Schedule Type
This drop-down list allows you to select whether you want the backup script to run once, hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly.
Backup Job Name
This allows you to select the job that you would like to run. Click on the "Browse&ldots;" button next to the text box to see a list of all saved backup and copy scripts.
Start Date
Here, you may select the date on which you would like the scheduled backup to start. The default date that is selected is the current date as indicated by your computer. However, you may manually input a desired date or you can click on the "down" arrow next to the date. Doing so will give you a calendar view of the current month, see illustration.
The red square indicates the current date. The solid square indicates the date that the scheduled backup is set to start on. To select a different day to start, simply click on the desired date. To see a calendar view of the previous or subsequent months, simply click on the left and right arrows, respectively.
To quickly change the year, rather than going forward month by month, simply click on the year in the blue bar on the top of the calendar view and then scroll up and down using the arrow buttons that appear to the right of the date. To quickly select a desired month without scrolling through them, click on the current month in the blue bar and select the desired month from the list that appears.
Start Time
Using this area of the schedule will allow you to designate the time at which the job should occur. You can change the time using a number of different ways. After selecting the desired item to change, (the hour, the minutes, or time of day), you may use the up and down arrows to the right of the time to scroll the time up or down, respectively. You may also use the up and down arrows on the keyboard to do so or you may simply input the time using the number pad on your keyboard as well. The time of day, AM or PM, may be changed in the same manner, using the up and down arrows or by using the "A" and "P" keys on your keyboard.
When running a job, login using this account
Run as logged in user:
Run the job using the Windows login credentials in effect at that time.
Run as specific user:
Permits you to set the default system/domain account to be used for new jobs.
Domain Name: The domain name you are logging into.
Run as User Name: The user name you want the job to run as.
Password: The password for the account you want the job to run as.
Note: The account information entered here is usually account you use to login to windows. However, you may need to use a different account when backing up network/shared drives.
Important: If you have entered credentials you must click the "Check Credentials" button to validate the account you have entered before proceeding forward.
After completing the setup of a scheduled job, you must press "OK" in order to complete the process.
If you would like to exit the scheduler without setting the schedule, click on the "Cancel" to revert back to the main user interface.