Configuring FTP Storage Device

Select "FTP Store" from the "Add Device" option drop down.  This will display the FTP properties dialog

Device: Enter the name for this device

Server Address: Enter the DNS Name or IP Address of the FTP server.  Check the "Use Passive Mode" if required.

Login Settings

Anonymous Access: Check this option if your server supports this option.

Use FTP Over SSL/TLS (FTPS): Check this option to enable a secure FTPS connection.

Use SSH/SFTP:  Check this option to Use the SSH File Transfer Protocol. You then must select either the password or key authentication type. If choosing  selecting key authentication, the related entries to define the key will become enabled.

Username: Enter the username for your FTP account on this server

Password: Enter the password for your FTP account on this server

Backup Directory: Enter in the directory you want your backups stored in

Click "Check Credentials" to confirm your settings